Michael Jack architects

1a Peacock Yard
Iliffe Street
SE17 3LH

07803 628 679


Baltimore Red Line

This project was the winning entry to a competition for ideas to mitigate the upheaval involved in the construction of a new light rail line in Baltimore, Maryland. It was run by the Baltimore Urbanite magazine in partnership with the Baltimore Metropolitan Transit Authority:

20 Stations / 20 Questions

What does it mean to be connected to another neighborhood by the Red Line?

Does it alter the way you think about another part of the city ? Are you any more likely to travel there than before the Red Line was built? Or is it just a form of transport, a way or reducing traffic congestion...

This is a proposal for a series of conversations across the city between the neighbourhoods that will be linked up by the Red Line.

Stations are paired up and exchange photos on a theme, to be displayed billboard size around the station construction sites. Participants are local schools, places of work and other community organisations. The photos change every few weeks as a form of question and response between neighbourhoods. The images you see are transmitted from the part of the city you will soon be connected to.